Samaris Rose-Smith
Founder Samaris Rose is a full-time parent organizer and community activist. Also the mother of five energetic boys and wife to her childhood sweetheart. She enjoys helping people and finding solutions to problems that our communities face, especially our children.
As a mother of five children, drowning in bills, and lacking the resources her family needed. Her children also faced challenges of their own, and seemed to need more than she was able to give.
Samaris discovered that help was always there, you just needed to know where and how to find it. People weren’t openly sharing information so she had to put in the work. With research she pushed through doors, and left voicemail after voicemail getting to the higher ups who could help. This was arduous, time-consuming, and draining, but guess what? She got the help needed and today her family is in a much better position because of it.
AskSammy started because she wanted to help those avoid some of the hardships and headaches she went through. Directions to these resources are so that you and your family can get the help you need, when you need it. Whether the need may be employment, housing, or tutoring, allow my team to assist you. Life can get hard, but AskSammy is here to help.
We can’t wait to serve you!